miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

15 words in English that read much on the internet, what mean?

The Internet is a medium / universe / place / space in which many times the texts and people sometimes use words that we have no very clear what they mean. Port the first time that today the phrase "is the time for the networking", I thought it was in 2006, and I followed the flow, as if it knew perfectly about which I spoke, but inside it was a tad scared thinking "dothis networking what is?"to see if he will now start to bare all over the world and we Liam it, where is the emergency exit? "."

Diccionario de inglés. Speak english

I chose the 15 words or acronyms in English that most surprised me at the time. They are used mainly in the sector internet and ICT, mainly because it used many Gael, although most have their translation and exist in Spanish:

Entrepreneur. An entrepreneur it is, quite simply, a businessman, and is often used instead of "Entrepreneur". I cannot think of any reason to use entrepreneur rather than an entrepreneur. I guess it makes sense if you have business out of Spain or is that an entrepreneur is more tremendous than an entrepreneur. I do not know.Networking. The networking is networking, so simple. It is this that we do all when you attend a Conference, for example, and when it comes to coffee, you get to talk with other attendees or speakers of what you've heard. That is more practical and short "networking" that say "Let's do contacts," Pepe.Revenue. Revenue are income, as simple.Players. The players of a market, which is as often used the word, they are the main actors of the market, companies with share of that market, for example, or all companies that participate in it. You know, when you hear "players" so not asocies-themed video games and the number of players in a game that is not going out there.Stakeholder. A stakeholder is a party interested in something, and can be from a client to a provider if we are talking about a business. It is an element that takes part and intervenes in the business in some way to have interest in it.Management. The management is the management, administration or management of all life, as a manager is a director or Manager. Simple and complicated, it sounds better manager that director, or sounds better management to management?.Click and mortar. I the first time that I heard, apart from not having no pajolera idea of what it meant, I thought it was something like "ctrl + C" or action keys, but no, click and mortar is an ecommerce that comes from a traditional trade (for example)(, elcorteingles.es) and the term comes from "bricks and mortar", bricks and mortar, replacing bricks per click, which is an expression used to say that a company has a headquarters where he developed his business.SEO. An eternal clasicazo. SEO = Search Engine Optimization or what is the same, search engine optimization, or what is the same, all those techniques employed to achieve the best possible SEO online.SEM. Another clasicazo. SEM = Search Engine Marketing, search engine marketing that is being (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) and involving PPC, display, etc.SMOadvertising. A "new" classic. SMO = Social Media Optimization, that is, social media optimization, to take advantage of Facebook, Tuenti, Twitter and all the mess that makes up the social media.KPI. This is also a classic, but analysis, strategic plans and the CMI (balanced scorecard). A KPI = Key Performance Indicators, or what in Spanish are key performance indicators, i.e. they are metric that serve to measure return, which is vital to the core business.Dropshipping. It is a trading system in which the retailer, which sells, does not have stock what sells, and when it receives a request, passes it directly to the wholesaler, which is who sent to the client. Very common in some formats of e-commerce.UX. The acronym of User Experience, which here is known as user experience and that, by defining it to gross, would be the set of experiences that a user to interact with a system, usually a web site.CEO. The CEO is a Lord who sends much, because he is Chief Executive Officer, which here is known as director Executive or similar. The first time that got me a card in which someone claimed to be CEO, I had to resort to Google.Chairman. A chairman has been the President, although the truth is the word that I find most difficult to translate, because is it interspersed with other meanings.

Now know a little more than English… "I´m Muzzy"

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