miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

The analysis focused on the user of the DCU to the ACU.

Today the DCU, user centered design, is holy and hallmark of web design, usability and user experience. It is put to the user at the heart of the process of design, whether or not a web, and provide a specific solution and simple as possible to your needs according to your profile. This moves all the fields of design, and especially to the design web and interaction design, where the user is the main character and what is sought is that it can meet your needs, no matter which, the easiest way, clear and effective as possible.

But the design has not always been so. The leading role that it has now the user is something quite new, especially in web design, where for a long time instead of DCU you have was DCD, centered design in the designer or DCC, client centered design, or DCP, centered design in the budget, or even DCJ, centered design in the head.

Ejemplo de diseño web segun el jefeAn example of DCJ, centered design in the head. The Chief gets you back and tells how you should design something

The ACU, this term I invented (in this sense, because there exists ACU: Automobile Club of Uruguay, or ACU: Abilene Christian University), is more than an analysis focused on data, it is, at least today, the primary method of analysis, is having the user as the Centre of the analysis, which includes subjective important elements, as their socio-demographic profile, their local context or their motivations and their sensations and feelings on the web.

Ultimately, the ACU means giving the most important step in the process of analysis, that is to understand. With an analysis based on data represented in reports and numbers take decisions based on a purely empirical approach and data, which is 100% correct and the first step to take, but the important thing is to know because users behave like they do and what we can do to facilitate the path towards the objective that we really want to achieve.

The decisions and actions of real value should be a component of high ACU, because it is necessary to understand and to understand the because a user cannot find what you are looking for or does not complete a registration process or buy, in fact, as a recommendationThere is something sencillisimo to, which is to ask you directly to the user because it does what you expect to make. Surveys, for example, well managed, are a source of very interesting information. Data on their own are as the conversion funnels, indicate you ratios, but does not explain the because, and because you can only know noting and understanding, because there is where the real improvement.

There are very popular tools such as Crazy Egg, ClickTale, RobotReplay, User Zoom, Feng-GUI and many more than they help to understand the behavior of users, and these tools, and others, should be increasingly more part of the arsenal of resources that give us the information necessary to decide and evolve in a web project, because they help to understand the because, and without that information, any decision we make, by objective and reasoned, will take because Miss the subjective element, the element of the people, and not forget that users, yes friends, they are people. We need more than data, we need information to make decisions truly effective.

Today "bread for all" and generally in the optimization of a website is used less and less, because each user's profile must work separately and thinking of a specific web site, and we have to look to the user and their circumstances surrounding. For example, if I know that the target of a web site is made up of somethings with few economic resources but with a high level of training, is clear that I know more than numbers and statistics, I must inform this sector as in depth to understand because it does what it does and that is what you want and as you look for in a web site.

I have no doubt that the evolution of the web analytics going here, to be less and less an analysis based on data and be more and more a analysis on users = people. You know, ACU.

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